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Domínguez Martín, R. (2019). Religiousness, subjective well-being and human development: a critical review. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 6(1), 114–138. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4318
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Starting from the critical review of the results of selected empirical studies, the objective of this essay is to evaluate, with a greater theoretical foundation and scope, the role of religiousnesss as a determinant of people and contries’ subjective well-being throughout of the human development process. To do this, the substantive and functional definitions of religion are integrated and differences between religion and religiosity are established; the theoretical link between religion / religiousnesss and happiness in the history of philosophical thinking and social sciences is adressed, taking into account the various functions of the religious fact (cognitive, regulatory and integrative); the main findings of recent economic research on the relationship between religiosity and subjective well-being in development studies are summarized; and finally the interactions of religiosity in the process of modernization-secularization-individualization characteristic of the second modernity are explored and the supposed substitutive effect between religiosity and freedom that the postmaterialist theory of modernization predicts is discussed. The main conclusion of the work is that freedom (as freedom of choice) and religiousness can be seen as two sides of the same coin, and, therefore, both must be analyzed in relation to subjective well-being and happiness from the perspective of the values ​​and without eurocentric impositions.

Keywords: Religiousness, Subjective Well-being, Human Development, Modernization, Secularization.


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