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Domínguez Martín, R. (2019). Libertad, desarrollo humano y bienestar subjetivo: una revisión crítica. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 6(2), 50–67. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4548
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The objective of this paper is to review critically the role of freedom as a determinant of subjective well-being throughout the process of human development, understood in the sociological sense of the post-materialist theory of modernization. Although the legitimacy of using subjective information from surveys to measure human development has been questioned by the problem of adaptive preferences, rejecting it in principle to explain well-being is contradictory with the foundational premise of the human development paradigm, given his irreducible defense of individual agency.

The starting hypothesis is that the literature of development studies that seeks to explain the variation of subjective well-being in the human development process tends to reduce freedom of choice, such as negative freedom (non-interference), to consumer economic freedom, which leads to false tracks and Eurocentric biases.

The conclusion of the review is that it is necessary to recover the integral concept of freedom, as positive freedom or self-realization, associated with the Aristotelian-Marxist-Polanyian tradition, which links to the original approach of Amartya Sen.


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