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Diaz Echeverri, M. X. (2021). Orientation Rules to Prosecute Human Trafficking When it Occurs Involving Indigenous People. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 109–124. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5751
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Trafficking in persons is an international crime that is increasingly relevant in the national and international agenda. Achieving its total eradication has become one of the sustainable development goal targets, but reaching this objective demands a social agreement about its prosecution, otherwise, organized crime and criminal networks will strengthen within vulnerable environments where there is a lack of actions to punish this kind of crime. Those environments exist and there are people who even think it is normal when someone falls under the desires or orders of certain others. One of the most affected populations for this conduct is the indigenous community, where their people are not only kidnapped, trafficked, or sold, but they could also be the victimizers under the protection of their own manners or ancestral traditions. Despite the recognized independence of the indigenous jurisdiction, the violation of human dignity requires to create channels of communication with the ordinary jurisdiction aimed at preventing this crime from spreading further.

This article presents a collection of principles that close gaps between the special indigenous jurisdiction and the ordinary one. Consultation of this collection makes it possible to fight against this crime regardless of the jurisdiction it has been committed. It is expected that this article contributes to avoiding that cases on trafficking persons, with the participation of an indigenous actor, will remain to the justice silence. This principles collection can be consulted as a tool to facilitate the inter-jurisdictional dialogue in order to rescue the human dignity in every society

Keywords: indigenous jurisdiction, crime, trafficking human, communities, indigenous people

This article presents a collection of principles that close gaps between the special indigenous jurisdiction and the ordinary one. Consultation of this collection makes it possible to fight against this crime regardless of the jurisdiction it has been committed. It is expected that this article contributes to avoiding that cases on trafficking persons, with the participation of an indigenous actor, will remain to the justice silence. This principles collection can be consulted as a tool to facilitate the inter-jurisdictional dialogue in order to rescue the human dignity in every society.


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