

How to Cite
Anaya Mogollón, A., Acevedo Valdés, G. A., & Cediel Gómez, Y. K. (2023). The Internet Meme as a Pedagogical Resource for the Strengthening of Critical Reading. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 10(2), 52–63. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6717
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This article presents the results of a research study aimed at analyzing the use of memes as a pedagogical resource to strengthen critical reading skills in eleventh-grade students at an educational institution in Cartagena. The study begins by identifying the issues related to critical reading through a reflection phase. Subsequently, the design and implementation of a didactic strategy based on comprehension and interpretation problems are presented. Techniques and data collection instruments such as interviews, a diagnostic test, didactic sequences, and observations were used for this purpose. The methodology employed was qualitative, interpretive, and sociocritical research-action. It was structured into three phases: reflection, planning and execution, and evaluation of results, with the aim of addressing the proposed objectives. Different methods of analysis were used to examine the information collected during the reflection phase. In conclusion, significant contributions were found in the implementation of the proposed strategy, particularly in expanding students' critical, comprehensive, and analytical perspectives on the use and purpose of memes, which may result in improved performance in national exams that involve the analysis of non-linear texts.



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