

How to Cite
Castellsagué, A., Serra Salamé, C., & Feu Gelis , J. (2024). Universities, cooperation and gender: at the crossroads of the 2030 Agenda. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 11(1), 8–18. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6928
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The limited impact of the Millennium Agenda, its crisis of legitimacy and recent changes in global development dynamics have transformed the global development agenda. Through an exhaustive review of the literature, this paper analyses the role of gender and universities in the new scenario of cooperation in Spain. The authors examine the process of integrating the gender perspective into cooperation and, in particular, within universities. Throughout the article, the authors identify transformations in the discourse and milestones reached in recent years with regard to gender. Limitations are also identified and the authors point to the challenges of proposing feminist cooperation in and through universities.



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