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Calabuig Tormo, C., & Fernández-Baldor, Álvaro. (2024). Feminisms, cooperation and higher education. Reflections on the case of the Master’s Degree in Development Cooperation at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 11(1), 19–35. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6940
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In a changing world, it is not only necessary to question the existing systems and approaches to development and cooperation, but also the degrees that contribute to the training of professionals in this sector, such as the master's degrees in Development Cooperation, need to be re-examined and renewed. This paper shows the results of a research aimed at exploring whether the official master's degrees in Development Cooperation offered by Spanish universities incorporate feminism and decoloniality in their curricula and, if so, how they are doing it. After exposing what is understood by managerialist vision versus feminist critical vision in the training of development professionals, the paper analyzes, from a qualitative approach, 14 Masters in Cooperation offered in Spain out of the total of 15 existing ones. The Master in Development Cooperation at the Polytechnic University of Valencia is taken as a case study, from which we reflect on the possibilities and, at the same time, the difficulties of being consistent with this critical view. Finally, some recommendations are suggested that could be considered to incorporate a critical and feminist view in these postgraduate studies, a vision that contributes to combat gender inequalities effectively and to build a fairer model of society.




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