

How to Cite
Restrepo Monsalve, Y. L. (2022). Healthy Eating: A Human Rights-Based Approach. Human Rights and Health Series. Number 8. 2021, 29 P. Washington DC: PAHO & WHO. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 9(1), 82–88. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5997
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This issue of the Human Rights and Health Series presents the situation of Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of healthy eating, which still has figures that are far from the goals set by the SDGs, which aim to achieve zero hunger on the planet, since by 2019, 47 million people were suffering from hunger, a figure that meant an increase of thirteen million people in the last five years, i.e. between 2014 and 2019. On the other hand, “one out of every three inhabitants of Latin American countries and the Caribbean did not have access to food in adequate quantity or quality due to lack of economic or other resources.” That is 190 million people, who suffered from “moderate or severe” food insecurity. Thus, one of the objectives of this publication is to promote awareness of international agreements and treaties, and to present the mechanisms needed to guarantee the “full right to health” in the States parties. To this end, the current situation in the region of the Americas is put into context, all the international norms, protocols, conventions, and treaties, which have been agreed upon, are mentioned, and recommendations are made so that, as a society, we can be part of the guarantors of the fulfillment of human rights. It is worth mentioning that special emphasis is placed on the importance of promoting and protecting breastfeeding as the primary form of nutrition for the infant population, exclusively during the first six months of life and complemented until, at least, two years of age.

Keywords: Healthy Nutrition;Human Rights; Pan American Health Organization; World Health Organization; and Region of the Americas.


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