

How to Cite
Tremolada, E., & Quiroga Chacón, G. A. (2022). The Public Diplomacy of the European Union in Colombia: Does it Contribute to an Improvement in the Perception?. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 9(2), 81–89. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6071
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Public Diplomacy, as a way of relations in the international arena, is a phenomenon that has gained ground in recent years. As an instrument of influence on the perception of individuals, international relations not only focus on the classic actors, but also on civil society and its organizations, hence the relevance of asking if the Public Diplomacy of the European Union in Colombia contributes to an improvement in their perception.

With this purpose, based on the recent Update of the EU Perception Study that included Colombia, and the relation of more than six decades that the Union has had with the Latin American bloc and the country, it was shown that it is a perfectible policy with much to do.

Keywords: Public Diplomacy; European Union; pillars of the relation with Colombia; Perception.

With this purpose, based on the recent Update of the EU Perception Study that included Colombia, and the relation of more than six decades that the Union has had with the Latin American bloc and the country, it was shown that it is a perfectible policy with much to do.



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