

How to Cite
Obregón Rodríguez, C., Amézquita López , J., & Perozo, E. (2023). Open Government and University. Experiences and Results from University-State Cooperation on Environmental Sustainability Issues in Universities of the Caribbean Region 2018-2022. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 10(1), 30–40. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6077
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Open government refers to a change in the paradigm of public management that crosses the institutions of all the powers of the State, while it maintains that the relationship with the citizenry must be the center of the actions and decision-making of the task public. The objective of this article is to evaluate the state of University-Government-Environmental Corporations cooperation against the open government strategy in the environmental dimension with an emphasis on climate change. The hypothesis formulated is the existence of a low implementation of Public Policies despite the profusion of University-state agreements. The methodology used is of the descriptive type, since an evaluation was developed on the social phenomena identified to evaluate the state of University-State-Environmental Corporations cooperation, the design of the research used is of the non-experimental field type, due to the fact that the variable was not manipulated, and work was done directly in the sites or fields where the phenomena occurred, in this case the universities of the Caribbean Region. Among the results achieved with the research, it was observed that the initiatives by the universities are very extensive and significant to contribute to the formulation of new public policies, in the face of bet scenarios against climate change developed and identified from these educational institutions. such as: Water and supply, protection and conservation of ecosystems to maintain environmental sustainability, preservation of diversity, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible economic activities, promotion of the development of hydrobiological resources, implementation of adaptation strategies to climate change, development environmentally sustainable urban and rural development, development of responsible business activities and environmentally responsible tourism. The article concludes that universities are a focus for the generation of new knowledge on climate change issues, being of vital importance the adoption of new network structures, collaboration and co-creation of public policies that promote interaction, conversation and the two-way dialogue between the State-Universities and environmental Corporations for the generation of strategies with effective, transparent and participatory results typical of an open state.



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