

How to Cite
Aquino Chura, M. L., Boni , A., & Tovar, P. (2024). Thinking-Feeling the Territory from Women of Guainía (Colombia). An Approach from the Anthropology of Art. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 11(1), 51–62. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6937
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This research reflects a dialogical process with the women of Guainía (Colombia), with the intention of answering the question: How is the ‘Thinking-feeling’ of the territory expressed by women in the communities of La Ceiba and Remanso? To do this, a methodological approach from the Anthropology of Art is used, along with techniques such as poetic documentation, dialogical ethnography, artistic expression, and audiovisual text.

The theoretical axes include the Studies of the Pluriverse (EPV) and the ontological turn proposed by Arturo Escobar, complemented by the contributions of Intuitive Feminism by María Galindo.

Two co-created products/indexes were developed, articulating the ‘Thinking-feeling’ of the territory in a documentary video and a magazine with poetic documentation. In this way, it was possible to intertwine and express the relational, political, and design ontology maintained by women in the communities of La Ceiba and Remanso (Guainía), demonstrating the practices through which they connect with the territory, through the cultivation and knowledge of “conuco”, “casaba”, “mañoco”, natural remedies, and artifacts for cooking or craftsmanship (as an economic alternative). Showing how their actions reclaim care and appreciation towards the territory and the beings that inhabit it (family, animals, plants, etc.).



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