

How to Cite
Dosse, F. (2023). History and Fiction: a New Alliance. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 21(2), 379–384. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.6435 (Original work published May 23, 2023)
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The structuralist years of the years 1960 were marked in France by the will of an intransitive writing, turning the back to the society in the name of a white writing, intransitive said Roland Barthes, cut of the real, of the referent. However, one attends today a "return" of the fiction, the novel towards the social world. One could think that it is about a return to the XIXth century, to the realism of a Balzac, of a Zola, but in fact this new approach of the social is nourished by the contributions of linguistics, sociology, psychoanalysis, history. The present time is marked by the opacification of the future, of the project and falls back on presentism. This presentism has for consequence to modify fundamentally our relation to the past which does not correspond any more to one of the elements which carries towards the future, but becomes melancholic, nostalgic, patrimonial, for lack of project towards a future.



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