

How to Cite
Duque-Vargas, N.-H. (2021). Education for a Culture of Peace in the Post-Cold War World Order. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 19(2), 277–292. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.4086 (Original work published August 31, 2021)
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This article reviews some of the most significant contributions of education to a culture of peace after the Cold War. It initially aims to address the challenge faced by peace within the framework of the neoliberal, patriarchal hegemonic project that has made violence and fear its source of legitimation and, on the other hand, the essential role that education plays in the reconstruction of the social fabric in a postwar conflict-and-reconciliation setting. In both cases, issues such as affectivity, solidarity, the recognition of diversity and the conflict that results from being different, as well as the need to rethink our relationship with nature and the environment in terms of sustainable development, are put forward as both relevant and priority in education for a culture of peace.



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