

How to Cite
Saavedra Rey, S., & Saavedra Rey, L. (2021). Contributions of anthropology of fictionalism to human education. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 18(2), 161–170. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.4758 (Original work published November 6, 2020)
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The common sense notion about fiction as falseness, opposed to literary, anthropological and philosophical theories about this topic, circumscribes the instructive value of this discourse modality inside an educational system and a society interested in usable knowledge. In response, this theoretical article derived from research recognizes the human being as a symbolic and fabricator animal in need of language, and specifically of fictions, to build up his reality. For this reason, the fundaments of anthropology of fictionalism are retrieved for the educational field going in depth in its contributions to human education: fiction as exploration of possible worlds in order to widen each person’s vital experience, beyond the occurred in his existence or the socially convened as real.



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