

How to Cite
Barrutia Barreto, I., Danielli Rocca, J. J., Solano Guilen, Y. E., Carrasco Samame, E. M., & Rojas Bujaico, J. F. (2024). Self-Questioning of Literary Texts: A Strategy for Learning English as a Second Language. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 23(1), 105–113. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.7103
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Given the current trend, English as a second language has become increasingly essential due to globalization. In this context, self-questioning has emerged as a contemporary approach to its teaching. This study aimed to determine the influence of self-questioning as a learning strategy for literary texts in English. Methodologically, the research employed a quantitative, pre-experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive design with intentional non-probabilistic sampling. The sample consisted of 34 students from the third cycle of the language program (translation and interpretation) during the first semester of 2019 at César Vallejo University, Lima, Peru. The students were randomly divided into three groups. The interventions included a self-questioning strategy through group discussion, student-led questioning based on prompts from the teacher, and a control group, which involved individual reading and free analysis of the text. A pre and post-test opinion questionnaire with Likert-scale response options was administered to collect data, validated by expert judgment. Results showed statistically significant differences across all groups. Conclusion: Self-questioning as a learning strategy significantly impacts the acquisition of English as a second language.



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