

How to Cite
Frausto, O. (2022). The Politics of Collective Catharsis: The Inferiority Complex and the Struggle for Cultural Empowerment. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5822 (Original work published July 29, 2022)
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Žižek’s ontological antihumanism is important to develop a politic of the unconscious, but it is necessary to move to the cultural and social. We are ontologically traumatized, but we are also culturally and socially traumatized. We are fractured and incomplete subjects; that is why we need psychoanalysis to achieve emancipation. The politics of the unconscious is a collective work of finding the symptom, the mutual dialogue, and the collective catharsis, as Franz Fanon suggests. In this sense, it is important to trace the pre-colonial historical genealogy that questions the present and projects the future, always looking from the perspective of the exploited. In this article, the example of the historical figure of Malinche and the cultural trauma that the word malinchismo has for Mexicans is elaborated, and then a catharsis that enables the symbolic liberation of the colonial is sought.



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