

How to Cite
Barria Asenjo, N. A., Aguilera Hunt, R., Cabrera-Sánchez, J., Letelier Soto, A., & Pinochet-Mendoza, N. A. (2022). Rise of Far-Right Discourses in Chile: An Approach from Critical Theory. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5858
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Considering the political and social contingency at the international level nowadays, but with respect to the Chilean reality, we have proposed to interpret the rise of extreme right-wing and neo-fascist discourses. To address this problem, some guidelines of psychoanalytic thought applied to the field of culture were used, which from an early date addressed the problem of interpreting sociocultural phenomena, recognizing a relationship of imbrication and continuity between the conditions of culture, the social functioning, and the ways in which these phenomena find a place of embodiment in the experience of the subject. Within this framework of interpretation, we have opted for the validity of the concepts elaborated by authors linked to critical theory, with special emphasis on the ideas established by Reich, Adorno, and Benjamin, based on their receptions of Freudian theory.



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