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Urrego Betancourt, Y., & Castro Muñoz, J. A. (2019). Psychosocial Risk Factors: its Relation with Social Cognition, Emotional Regulation and Well-Being. International Journal of Psychological Research, 12(2), 17–28. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.3741
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In Colombia, an increase of suicidal behavior in adolescents caused by personal and environmental factors is evidenced. This quantitative, descriptive, correlational research aimed to establish the existing relationship between social cognition, perception of the quality of relationships and emotional regulation with the variables of psychosocial risk, suicide risk and level of psychological well-being in adolescents in contexts of high socioeconomic vulnerability of Bogotá. A total of 155 adolescents were selected through nonprobabilistic sampling at convenience, with ages between 13 and 17 years (M = 14.47 and DE = 1.03). The results allowed observing the existence of significant relationships between the study variables. From a linear regression analysis, the emotional bond and emotional self-regulation had a higher level of explanation about the perception of well-being and the psychosocial risk associated with suicide. Finally, the results and implications of a greater participation of the emotional bond in comparison to that of social cognition in adolescence are discussed, in order to formulate programs that promote well-being and prevent risk.



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