

How to Cite
Urrego Betancourt, Y., Restrepo, J. G., Pinzon, S., Acosta, J., Diaz, M., & Bonilla, C. (2014). Attachment in pairs and social cognition in middle childhood. International Journal of Psychological Research, 7(2), 51–63. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.658
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Objective: Determine the relationship between attachment behaviors in pairs and the level of social cognition in children 8 to 10 years old, a public school in Bogotá, Colombia. Attachment in pairs has been studied primarily in adolescence and adulthood; but there are few studies in middle childhood. Type of Study: Quantitative correlational cross-sectional Participants: 60 children from two-parent families with at least 1 brother. Instruments: People In My Life and Facial Stroop and Verbal. Results: According to the statistical analysis no relationship between peer attachment and social cognition were found. However, there is a strong relationship between attachment to parents and peers, and the implementation of facial expression recognition in both adults and children. The use of instruments to involve attachment and in complex facial expression, and the design and implementation of prevention and promotion programs to strengthen the levels of attachment to parents, from very early in childhood is suggested.


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