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Ribero-Marulanda, S., & Novoa-Gómez, M. (2019). Qualitative Systematic Review of Emotional Processes and Social Interaction: Behavioral Analysis in Contexts of Political Violence. International Journal of Psychological Research, 12(2), 91–104. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.4053
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Emotional processes and social interactions are relevant units in the study of the actors involved in contexts of political violence, since they have been exposed to constant conflict and they can develop inappropriate behaviors in daily life. Despite the fact that works on the subject are outlined, very few approach the phenomenon from a perspective of behavioral analysis, specially because of the advances that are denoted in related topics. That is why this review seeks to analyze the conceptual and methodological trends in written production on this subject from this theoretical perspective. The review was completed using the PRISMA guidelines with a search of six electronic databases that resulted in 297 articles for the initial review and 31 articles included in the final analysis. The results show that the most frequent studies are the quantitative empirical ones, showing there is a difference between the concepts of analysis by population, since the results throw an emphasis on the analysis of personnel of military forces that seem affected by hostility and aggression, with emphasis on war veterans and an approach based on in diagnostic categories from psychopathology. There are no approaches from other theoretical perspectives, such as those proposed by the analysis of behavior that could help to understand a personal, contextual and historical reality. Emphasis is placed on the need for an empirical specification regarding the results and the importance of the role of the environment for the maintenance and construction of repertoires of social interaction and identification, expression and emotional regulation.



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