

How to Cite
Richaud, M. C., Mesurado, B., & Minzi, M. P. (2019). Attachment Style Classification Questionnaire for latency age: Psychometrics properties of Argentine Sample. International Journal of Psychological Research, 12(2), 59–70. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.4058
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The purpose of this article was to perform a psychometric study of the Attachment Style Classification Questionnaire (ASCQ) in Spanish language. This paper included three studies. The objectives of study 1 were to analyze the discriminative power of items, to carry out an EFA to determine the structure of the questionnaire, and to calculate the internal consistency of factors. The objectives of study 2 were to test the questionnaire structure through a CFA, and to determine if the model obtained was invariant between sex and age. The objective of Study 3 was to study the convergent validity. The three studies were carried out with three different samples of 180, 200, and 425 Argentinian children, aged 9 to 12 years, respectively. The results confirm the three factor structure of the adapted questionnaire, showing good psychometric properties (satisfactory internal consistency and adequate validity).



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