

How to Cite
Fang, G., Keung Chan, P. W., & Kalogeropoulos, P. (2020). Social Support and Academic Achievement of Chinese Low- Income Children: A Mediation Effect of Academic Resilience. International Journal of Psychological Research, 13(1), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.4480
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Using nation-wide survey data (N=2328) from China, this study investigates how social support from family, peers, and teachers influence low-income household children’s (from 13 to 15 years old) academic resilience, as well as how academic resilience mediates the relationship between social support and children’s academic achievement. Structural equation modelling was adopted to analyse the data. The results reveal that (1) low-income household children’s family, peer, and teacher support are associated with their academic resilience; (2) peer support and academic resilience of low-income household children significantly relate with their academic achievements; (3) academic resilience plays a full mediation role in teacher support and a partial mediation role in peer support on children’s academic achievement. The implications of this study on theory and practice, the limitations, and future research directions are discussed.



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