

How to Cite
Cruz-Manrique, Y., Herrero Olaizola, J., Cortés-Ayala, M. de L., & Malvaceda-Espinoza, E. (2021). Effect of Violence and School Victimization on Suicidal Ideation in Mexican Adolescents. International Journal of Psychological Research, 14(2), 30–36. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.5109
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This study tests a model to predict suicidal ideation in adolescents, considering violence and school victimization, family and academic self-concept, and depressive symptoms as antecedents. 792 Mexican high school adolescents participated (49.4% women, 50.6% men) between 11 and 16 years old (M = 13.3,D.T. = 1.0), selected with a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The Suicidal Ideation, Violent Behavior at School, Victimization at School, Self-Concept Form-5, and CES-D scales
were administered. From Structural Equation Models, the results showed that the model that best fits indicates a double relationship between school victimization and suicidal ideation:  direct and positive effect on suicidal thoughts, and, on the other hand, an indirect and negative effect through family support, and positive with depressive symptoms. Family self-concept was an important protection factor. 



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