

Cómo citar
Martínez González, J. M., Albein Urios, N., Munera, P., & Verdejo García, A. (2012). Psychoeducation as a strategy to improve family support perceived from patient with alcohol dependence and personality disorder. International Journal of Psychological Research, 5(1), 18–24. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.745
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The aim of this study was to prospectively analyze the impact of psychoeducation with relatives of addicted patients with personality disorders. We measured the impact of the psychoeducational intervention using a self-report questionnaire designed to assess perceived familiar support. The sample was composed by 37 patients with alcohol dependence following outpatient treatment. They underwent a cognitive-behavioral therapy relapse prevention program especially tailored for addicted individuals with comorbid personality disorders. 56.8% of patients followed individual therapy, and 43.2% followed group therapy. The relatives of the subgroup patients following group therapy simultaneously received the psychoeducational intervention. The analyses of the familiar support questionnaire across treatment showed a significant difference between groups as a function of treatment modality. Patients whose relatives followed the psychoeducational intervention had greater perception of familiar support throughout the treatment process.


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