Vol. 5 No. 1 (2012)

Acreditación en el programa de psicología

Acreditación en el programa de psicología

Herrera Builes Jorge Albeiro

Article Visits 160 | PDF Visits 90

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.743
3 |

Economy, psychology and stock investment: analysis of variables that participate in the process of decision making

Economy, psychology and stock investment: analysis of variables that participate in the process of decision making

Pascual Ezama David, Gil-Gómez De Liaño Beatriz, Scandroglio Barbara

Article Visits 193 | PDF Visits 141

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.744
5-17 |

Psychoeducation as a strategy to improve family support perceived from patient with alcohol dependence and personality disorder

Psychoeducation as a strategy to improve family support perceived from patient with alcohol dependence and personality disorder

Martínez González José Miguel, Albein Urios Natalia, Munera Pilar, Verdejo García Antonio

Article Visits 171 | PDF Visits 113

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.745
18-24 |

Risk and protective factors for drug use and antisocial behavior in Spanish adolescents and young people

Risk and protective factors for drug use and antisocial behavior in Spanish adolescents and young people

López Larrosa Silvia, Rodríguez-Arias Palomo José Luis

Article Visits 332 | PDF Visits 192

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.746
25-33 |

QUAD: a simple, valid and reliable scale, for assessing the quality of care in the field of addictions

QUAD: a simple, valid and reliable scale, for assessing the quality of care in the field of addictions

Rial Boubeta Antonio, Varela Mallou Jesús

Article Visits 138 | PDF Visits 88

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.747
34-41 |

Vulnerable personality profile in patients with chronic pain: relationship with coping, quality of life and adaptation to disease

Vulnerable personality profile in patients with chronic pain: relationship with coping, quality of life and adaptation to disease

Soriano Jose, Monsalve Vicente, Gómez-Carretero Patricia, Ibañez Elena

Article Visits 265 | PDF Visits 164

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.748
42-51 |

Genes, the serotonergic system and suicidal behavior

Genes, the serotonergic system and suicidal behavior

Tovilla-Zarate Carlos Alfonso, Gómez Mendoza Alma Delia

Article Visits 298 | PDF Visits 1456

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.751
52-58 |

Social cognition and pragmatic competence. The case of children with specific language impairment

Social cognition and pragmatic competence. The case of children with specific language impairment

Roqueta Clara Andrés, Clemente Estevan Rosa A., Flores Buils Raquel

Article Visits 228 | PDF Visits 176

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.752
59-69 |

Perceived similarity and acculturation attitudes of native and inmigrants

Perceived similarity and acculturation attitudes of native and inmigrants

Rojas Tejada Antonio J., Sayans-Jiménez Pablo, Navas Luque Marisol

Article Visits 169 | PDF Visits 122

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.763
70-78 |

Sexuality, contraception and unsafe sexual behavior in adolescents

Sexuality, contraception and unsafe sexual behavior in adolescents

Garcia-Vega Elena, Menendez Robledo Elena, Fernández García Paula, Cuesta Izquierdo Marcelino

Article Visits 360 | PDF Visits 220

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.764
79-87 |

Resilience and burnout syndrome in nursing students and its relationship with sociodemographic variables and interpersonal relationship

Resilience and burnout syndrome in nursing students and its relationship with sociodemographic variables and interpersonal relationship

Ríos Rísquez Maria Isabel, Carrillo Garcia César, Sabuco Tebar Emiliana De Los Angeles

Article Visits 297 | PDF Visits 214

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.765
88-95 |

Assessment of grammatical comprehension in normal and pathological aging: a summary of the results obtained with ECCO and ECCO_Senior tests

Assessment of grammatical comprehension in normal and pathological aging: a summary of the results obtained with ECCO and ECCO_Senior tests

López-Higes R., Martín-Aragoneses Ma. T. Del Rio, Mejuto G.

Article Visits 171 | PDF Visits 225

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.766
96-108 |

Risk factors and protective adolescent depression in the city of Medellín

Risk factors and protective adolescent depression in the city of Medellín

Hoyos Zuluaga Elizabeth, Lemos Hoyos Mariantonia, Torres de Galvis Yolanda

Article Visits 365 | PDF Visits 138

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.767
109-121 |

Casual spectators and die-hard fans’ reactions to their team defeat: A look at the role of territorial identification in elite French rugby

Casual spectators and die-hard fans’ reactions to their team defeat: A look at the role of territorial identification in elite French rugby

Bermache-Assollant Iouri, Laurin Raphael

Article Visits 145 | PDF Visits 85

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.768
122-132 |

Attitudes - styles of education: relation with the academic performance

Attitudes - styles of education: relation with the academic performance

Isaza Valencia Laura, Henao Lopez Gloria Cecilia

Article Visits 255 | PDF Visits 137

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.769
133-141 |

Validation of the Colombian MOS social support survey

Validation of the Colombian MOS social support survey

Londoño Arredondo Nora Helena

Article Visits 803 | PDF Visits 1540

DOI: 10.21500/20112084.770
142-150 |