Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Gómez Montoya, R. A., Zuluaga Mazo, A., & Vásquez Noreña, G. L. (2015). AHP method used to improve receiving in distribution center of a food company. Ingenierías USBmed, 6(2), 5–14.
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The article aims to adapt the method of decision analysis Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a tool to improve the receiving at the distribution center (CEDI). This approach offers an alternative to support decision making in a CEDI, based on quantitative methods allow to replace the use of trial and error. The methodology is based on analysis of scientific information, adapts AHP model combined with process management to support improvement decisions the receiving operation. Finally, we present a case of application in a food company, As a result, you get improved receive of the CEDI process as it is reduced by 25% the time of the transaction and ensures that the products delivered by suppliers to meet the conditions.


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