Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Taipe Huaman, C. W., Huillca Arbieto, M., Mendoza Mamani1, E. G., & Gallegos Ramos1, J. R. (2019). Behavior of the Total Ozone Column obtained by NASA’s Eptoms for the city of Puno, 2005-2017. Ingenierías USBmed, 10(2), 25–30.
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Data of the Total Ozone Column have been analyzed in this paper,
which were derived from the measurements performed by the Earth Probe Total
Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (EPTOMS) of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), by assessing its suitability for the prediction
of the Ultraviolet (UV) Index for the city of Puno (15.83 south latitude and
70.03° west longitude). After a one-year analysis was performed by means of
adjustments of sinusoidal functions, it is observed that the gap changes, from
one year to the next. Additionally, during the period studied (2005-2017), three
dates were found in which ozone holes were presented: On February 5, 2010 and
April 29, 2016, values of 218 Dobson Units (DU) were presented, and on May
17, 2005, a value of 219 DU was presented. The behavior of the ozone column,
per year, displays a sinusoidal cyclical shape, as it is established in the seasonal



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