Ingenierías USBMed


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Torres Ramos, P. E., & Aragón Moreno, J. A. (2022). Study of extreme precipitation records associated with climate change in the Chingaza Natural National Park during the period of 1981 - 2010. Ingenierías USBmed, 11(1), 1–17. (Original work published August 4, 2020)
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This work characterized and analyzed the statistical and spatial behavior of precipitation along with its climatic extremes proposed by ETCCDI, through the RClimDex statistical package in Chingaza NNP with a perimeter up to 12 km, from 19 climatological series of daily frequency during 1981-2010. The estimation of missing data was performed with the inverse distance weighting method in the RStudio® software, passed the quality control of the RClimTool computational tool and the spatiotemporal representation was determined with the ArcGis® integrated system. The precipitation behavior manifested a monomodal pluviometric regime with cusp in the second quarter of the year, revealing the lowest annual average precipitation in the northwest with altitudes reaching 3100 m.a.s.l., which is increasing towards the southeast of the protected area. Within the climatological normal period, the extreme precipitation indices that revealed a positive trend were Rx1day, SDII, R95p, and more pronounced in CDD than in CWD; while, a negative trend was obtained in Rx5day, R10 and PRCPTOT. For rainfall behaviour and extreme indices, spatial distribution was obtained using the CoKrigring interpolation method.



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