Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Torres Valero, R. A., Medina Becerra, F. A. ., & Mendoza Moreno, M. Ángel . (2020). Methodological proposal for the cybersecurity audit applied to a SCADA system. Ingenierías USBmed, 11(2), 62–70.
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The information of a company is currently considered as an important factor, corresponds to the backbone of its competitiveness, so the use of automation systems that allow the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) are required. Organizations use this type of systems to improve not only the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes, but also to take care of their industrial safety, indicating that with the increased competitiveness there are also consequently risks that jeopardize the actions of the organization. Given this situation, the present document intends to present a methodology to guide the inspection process, in order to mitigating the risk in the operational area of the organization, recognizing that its administrative area currently has a significant number of programs and methodologies that have established it as safe; in that context the research progress led to propose a quantitative and descriptive methodology, based on literature review techniques, mainly evoking the occupation of search equations.



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