Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Taipe Huaman, C. W. (2022). Mobile application to determine the ultraviolet index. Ingenierías USBmed, 13(1), 3–8. (Original work published May 19, 2022)
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This research focuses on developing a mobile application to determine the ultraviolet index (IUV) in the region of Puno, which was developed on the ANDROID platform and applies the methodology for developing mobile applications. The application has been put in evaluation, to guarantee that the calculated data are as close as possible to the real thing and in this way inform the users. For the development of the mobile application has been used high-level programming tools, of the latest generation, Android Studio type, which provides us with mobile simulators. And for the development of the algorithm that allows us to calculate the ultraviolet index we used the equations of Iqbal, Spencer and Hernandez, which are implemented in code. For the validation of the calculated data we used the correlation coefficient between the data calculated by the mobile and the TUV model for the city of Puno, obtaining correlation values greater than r=0.98.



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