Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Castillo Tambo, N. S., Chiquiza, L. E., & Ruiz Martínez, L. E. . (2020). Implementation of NTS-TS 002 and its Adaptation to Small and Medium Hotels, Mola Hostel Case. Ingenierías USBmed, 11(2), 2–12.
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The hotel industry is one of the most important sectors internationally, because it contributes to the economic growth of each country, being also one of the sectors that generates a considerable environmental impact, given the consumption and use of natural resources for the operation thereof. To mitigate these impacts, there are worldwide standards such as the Green Globe 21, Green Key, ISO 14001 and in the case of Colombia the NTS-TS002, which presents a disparity due to its application to large hotels, excluding smaller ones. For this reason, this article seeks to analyze the methodological guidelines of the sectoral technical norm NTS-TS002 in the Mola Hostel hotel establishment, through the implementation and application of tools such as self-evaluation, collection of primary and secondary information, formulation and application of programs sustainable, eco-balances, analysis of surveys on the Likert scale, which allow identifying the main difficulties for the application of the technical standard in small and medium-sized hotels and reflect how the efforts in the adaptability, achieve a mitigation of significant environmental impacts, reducing the consumption of energy, water and waste within the hotel establishment under study.


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