Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Niño Rondón, C. V. (2022). Viability Analysis and Design of an Electronic System for Monitoring Population Dynamics in the City of Cúcuta. Ingenierías USBmed, 11(1), 56–64. (Original work published August 4, 2020)
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This document shows the results of a feasibility analysis and the design of an electronic system for monitoring population dynamics in the city of Cúcuta. The feasibility analysis was carried out by investigating the position of the citizenry regarding the behavior of the population dynamics, its impact on the region and the preference for the use of technology as a solution to social problems. Likewise, the design of the electronic signal processing system was made by selecting the hardware and software tools by means of a prioritization matrix, comparing eleven factors of interest, which allowed to elaborate the algorithms of people detection based on the techniques of Oriented Gradient Histogram and Background Subtraction with Blobs Extraction, later tested with the authors' own images.



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