Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Zuluaga Valencia, C. N., & Londoño Ciro, L. A. (2022). Model of adequacy to represent areas of favorability for the exploitation of a geothermal deposits. Ingenierías USBmed, 11(1), 74–87. (Original work published August 4, 2020)
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In this article a suitability model is presented in order to represent areas of geothermal favorability based on data from the variables Gravity, Bouguer Anomaly and Terrestrial Magnetic Field, which allows delimiting and optimizing the geoscientific exploration processes for deep exploration drilling. The data have been taken from advanced geothermal exploration studies at the Nevado del Ruiz Volcanic Complex (CVNR) during the years 1980, 1983 and 2015, which were cleared by comparing the dimensions obtained in the field and a more recent DTM, regardless of the measured severity values. Different models with cross validation were evaluated to obtain the best model to represent the surfaces of the three work variables and using AHP, we proceed to perform a scenario analysis that finally allows us to obtain the suitability map with the areas of better geothermal favorability.



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