Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Ramírez, J. S., Rodriguez Loaiza, D. C., & Asprilla, W. J. (2022). Subsurface—flow Artificial Wetlands: Comparison of Design Methodologies for the Calculation of the Surface Area based on the Removal of Organic Matter. Ingenierías USBmed, 11(1), 65–73. (Original work published August 4, 2020)
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The artificial wetlands envisions a good alternative in the field of wastewater, as integrated solutions.. In this way, 4 methodologies proposed by different authors are collected selectively to estimate the surface area of subsurface wetlands, both horizontal and vertical, to compare the design parameters used by each author or reference. It´s concluded that both Kadlec and Reed-RAS 2000 are the most recommended references for design of artificial wetlands due to similarity of results and applicability in practical cases, also because they use variables such as the first-order biokinetic constants, the porosity of the granular medium or support of the plant material, background concentration, inlet flow to the system and the inlet and outlet concentrations in terms of BOD5. These variables are important from the hydraulic and construction costs point of view, since they influence the economic viability of artificial wetlands for the implementation of these as an alternative treatment of wastewater.



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