Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Salgado, J. J. ., Pañuela, G. A., & Rodriguez Loaiza, D. C. (2022). OPTIMIZATION OF A TREATMENT SYSTEM THROUGH TREATABILITY TESTS FOR THE REMOVAL OF ORGANIC MATTER IN HIGH COMPLEXITY WASTEWATER. Ingenierías USBmed, 13(1), 46–55. (Original work published May 19, 2022)
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The implementation of efficient wastewater treatment systems is becoming more essential every day to avoid environmental deterioration, imbalance of biogeochemical processes, public health problems, variation in the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of water, among others. For this, there are various treatment methods that may involve biological and physicochemical components. Carrying out a characterization of the wastewater is important, not only to know it, but also to select the most appropriate treatment train and thus guarantee adequate removal of the contaminants present in said water. The monitoring of a domestic wastewater treatment system was carried out, coming from a restaurant in which only previously prepared food is served in other facilities and works once a day during the period between 12:00 and 2: 00 pm. It was found that these waters have high contents of detergents, fats and oils, and a small amount of biodegradable organic matter, therefore, both physicochemical and biological treatability tests were carried out, in order to determine the most efficient way of treating these waters waste and be able to comply with resolution 0631 of 2015, which is the current regulations in Colombia for wastewater.



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