Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Sánchez Pineda, D. E., Sánchez Caimán, P. J., & Beltrán Zapata, A. M. (2022). Propuesta de aplicativo para medir el costo de pérdida de buena voluntad para mejorar la previsión colaborativa respecto al consumo. Ingenierías USBmed, 13(1), 19–29. (Original work published May 19, 2022)
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This paper proposes an application that allows to measure the cost of loss of goodwill, as a component that is involved in the lost sales, in this way the diagnostic capacity can be increased in the execution of forecasts collaborative to address solutions regarding consumption.

In order to meet customer requirements, most decisions related to inventory must be based on forecasts regarding consumption. For this, companies consider collaborative processes as a management method, which allows to expand the panorama of opportunities. The difficulty arises when there are aspects that in practice turn out to be complex to estimate, this can become a problem derived from the absence of data, which as a result can lead to poor demand management, with bad forecasts and high costs.

The loss of goodwill is one of the costs that in practice are considered complex to calculate, therefore, with the proposed proposal, the possibility of estimating this cost is presented, by using the IdC together with forecasting techniques. Thus presenting information on the behavior of consumers and the impact of the cost of loss of goodwill within the profitability of a point of sale.



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