Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Perez Peña, R. (2021). Application of Markowitz Techniques to the Marketing of Agricultural Products. Ingenierías USBmed, 12(2), 1–16.
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Traditionally the buy and sale commercialization of agricultural products that arrive at the Corabastos supply center in Bogotá it is made wholesale and retail without the use of any technique; that allows the investor to make their buy and sale preferences; there is a piece-rate commercialization; where prevails the market of the wholesalers and intermediaries, who establish their prices to the interested buyers, these wholesalers acquire and then sell to a greater value to the final consumers these products that are the main sustenance of the capital and center of the country family basket. The objective is to experiment with the application of the Markowitz portfolio selection model techniques, to the commercialization of agricultural products. Through the application of the portfolio model for investment portfolios that has been so well accepted in the stock market.

At the end of the experiment it was achieved as a result; that it is possible to apply the portfolio model for Markowitz investment portfolios to the commercialization of products for domestic consumption and to improve the current marketing system of these markets and at the same time be able to offer the investor alternatives that allows him to obtain returns at a lower risk.



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