Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Yepes Diaz, M., López Martínez, S., & Murillo Gómez, D. M. (2023). Design and fabrication of a 16-channel loudspeaker line array for personalized listening zones. Ingenierías USBmed, 14(1), 29–37.
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Advances in computational capacity achieved in the last decades has allowed the implementation of theoretical models for the development of new sound reproduction technologies. An example is the generation of customized listening zones  by means of  loudspeaker arrays. Based on signal processing, it is possible to take advantage of the wave interference phenomenon creating a sound beam in a desired specific direction. Applications of the above are found in fields such as the development of commercial audio devices, videogame, education or room acoustics, among others.

A loudspeaker array that generates personalized listening areas has to ensure a series of technical specifications to synthesize the desired sound field. Among the most relevant elements is the assumption that all transducers must have the same mechanical and technical specifications, otherwise, it is required to compensate for. Furthermore, the vibro-acoustic behavior of the cabinet must be taken into consideration.s

This paper addresses the methodological process required for the development and tuning of a loudspeaker line array that generates personalized listening zones. This includes the measurement, characterization and design of each of the elements involved in the construction chain. The above involves the transducers, amplifiers, processing software and the whole assembly.



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