Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Hernández Medina, C. A., Báez Hernández, A., & Carrasco fuentes, M. A. (2021). RESILIENCE OF RURAL HABITAT TO CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE. Ingenierías USBmed, 12(2), 56–64.
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The research aimed to determine how to strengthen community resilience to climate change of rural habitat in the municipality of Camajuaní, Villa Clara, affected by hurricanes and droughts, to support availability, access and consumption of diversified and healthy foods with food security of the most vulnerable population, taking into account their role in quality of life of citizens. The methodology adopted was to develop and take advantage of ways and mechanisms that increase and strengthen participation of citizens, in their contribution to decision-making and in solution and popular control of problems that affect healthy diet of infants and older adults in the community. It was possible to complete hazard, vulnerability and risk studies (PVR) with estimation of vulnerabilities of local food production to impact of hurricanes and drought, strengthen alert system and early actions, reinforce agrometeorological and hydrometeorological surveillance of drought and hurricanes to generate specific information for agricultural producers and food and nutrition security actors, define channels and ways to communicate agrometeorological information and develop a training program for agricultural producers that increases their capacities to manage the reduction of vulnerabilities and their impact on the Food and nutrition security.



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