Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Baena, M. A., Hasper, S., & Puche, W. S. (2022). Sensed temperature analysis for access control with biosafety protocol to higher education institutions. Ingenierías USBmed, 13(2), 1–12. (Original work published September 27, 2022)
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The article proposes the implementation of a prototype module for the control of access to higher education institutions, in this case the POLITECNICO COLOMBIANO JAIME ISAZA CADAVID headquarters Poblado through the temperature sensing biosafety protocol, the tool allows temperature capture and taking of personal data for each user who enters the institution automatically given the current situation due to Covid-19. For the implementation, the software and hardware of existing technologies that are used to capture the temperature in an automated way are characterized, from this, the most appropriate technology for the implementation is selected, using open source libraries, to modify the source code according to the punctual need. Similarly, a web application is developed to enter personal data and replace the physical forms with a digital database.



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