Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Severiche Sierra, C. A., Vargas Ortiz, L. E., Carrillo Landazabal , M. S., Narvaez Escorcia, M. I., & Vitola Cabarcas, J. C. (2023). Reducción de cancelaciones de cirugías programadas en IPS a través de la metodología DMAIC de Lean Seis Sigma. Ingenierías USBmed, 14(2), 23–32.
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The main objective was to reduce the cancellations of scheduled surgeries in an IPS through the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC methodology. It was based on the DMAIC methodology: define, measure, analyze, improve and control. In the first stage, define, the data for the period July-December 2019 were analyzed, where the number of scheduled surgeries was defined, how many were performed and how many were cancelled, taking into account all the specialties. In the second stage, measure, the surgical variables were studied and a process diagram was established for the programming of surgeries. In the third stage, analyze, said data was taken, analyzed and the possible cause-effect relationships of surgery cancellations were established through the use of statistical tools. In the fourth stage, improve, a list of improvements or strategies that attack the opportunities for improvement is generated and in the fifth and last stage, control, the necessary controls were established to ensure that the implemented system remains more relevant over time for decrease in surgical cancellations. With the improvements implemented, it was possible to identify the problems present in the service and what caused delays in the program or cancellations of surgeries.



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