Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Fernandez Castellanos, H. F., Díaz Vargas, V. V. ., Avendaño Rincón , J. S. ., & Ruiz Acero, johanna. (2023). Mechanical analysis of asphalt emulsions CRR-1 and CRL-1 modified with recycled combat boot rubber, by means of the shear test between asphalt mixtures type MDC-19 and MDC-10. Ingenierías USBmed, 14(1), 22–28.
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In the processes that are carried out in the different civil works for its construction, it has been shown over time that the use of different materials such as cement, asphalt, stone aggregates, among others, require the execution of methods for construction that directly affect the environment and in some cases natural resources. It is for this reason that professionals, industry and academia, day by day, have been looking for new techniques in the use of these materials that seek to reduce the impact of pollution, the exploitation of natural resources, the emission of gases from the greenhouse effect and in general the effects that do not allow sustainable development. In this case, we seek to reuse a material such as the rubber from the sole of military combat boots, in asphalt emulsions type CRR-1 and CRL-1 in different dosages, which allow us to know the adherence between layers, by means of manufacturing. of asphalt mixtures type MDC-19 and MDC-10 and the execution of the cutting test with the grain of recycled rubber at 6%, 9% and 12%.



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