Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Giraldo Plaza, J. E., Londoño Franco, L. F., Perez Buelvas, C. A., & Alvarez Alabanes, E. Y. (2023). Fuzzy system for the recommendation of fertilization plans in dairy farming. Ingenierías USBmed, 14(1), 14–21.
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Fertilization plans for soils and grasslands consist of establishing physicochemical factors that improve its characteristics. This paper aims the fuzzy recommendation system design for fertilization plans. Initially, a characterization of the variables for a precise soil fertilization is made, determining those that generate greater affectation from the correlation between them. Thus, we define the input and output of fuzzy sets, as well as the membership functions and linguistic variables about ideal ranges in low, medium and high productions according to the extraction of macronutrients. The main result is a general scheme of an intelligent recommendation system based on fuzzy logic, which shows that the use of Industry 4.0 technologies has potential applications for control and management in the dairy farming



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