Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Niño Rondón, C. V., Puerto López, K. C., Guevara Ibarra, D., & Contreras Gómez, W. A. (2023). Software-Defined Radio: A look at trends and applications. Ingenierías USBmed, 14(1), 58–69.
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The concept of software defined radio has gained
relevance in recent years due to its functionality for the
control of functions mainly in communication devices and
radar type sensors. Its rapid expansion is due to the ease of
implementation at the amateur level, at the professional level
and at the didactic level for teaching. This paper presents a
trend analysis of software defined radio with classification by
continents, where high impact bibliographic data information
is subjected to three-word filters, and includes documents
within the window from 2015 to 2022. The analysis of trends
and applications of software-defined radio in the continents
shows the use of this technology in teaching processes,
biomedical and sensor applications, using both licensed
software tools and open-source tools, and with emphasis on
the use of computational learning techniques.



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