Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Cespedes Guevara, N. Y. (2024). Diagnosis of the problem of mining environmental liabilities (PAM) resulting from the extraction of construction materials in the municipality of Mondoñedo, department of Cundinamarca. Ingenierías USBmed, 15(2).
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Mining environmental liabilities (PAMs) refer to areas in which it is necessary to implement restoration, mitigation or compensation for damage caused by inactive mining activities. For [8] “abandoned mining has a wide range of environmental and socioeconomic impacts” ; The most frequent environmental impacts are physically altered landscapes, waste piles, subsidence, loss of fauna and flora. The socioeconomic impact can be evidenced by the loss of land with productive potential, altering an important factor for the livelihood of the populations surrounding the abandoned area. According to [7], mining environmental liabilities (PAMs), are all those effects on the environment that have not been, or were not compensated by the mining titleholders. Currently, it seeks to remedy cases in which the mining companies in none of their stages carried out a due process of remediation, this being a great problem, since it gives us a vision that, in Colombia, before the current laws that take as main focus attention to environmental management.



El estudio de los pasivos ambientales mineros en Colombia constituye un tema poco desarrollado desde el punto de vista técnico-científico, político-institucional y en la práctica social, por ende se percibe una precaria gestión ambiental y riesgos socionaturales de éstos espacios degradado
Las explotaciones mineras sostenibles, cuentan con políticas definidas en los aspectos económicos, sociales y ambientales


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