Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
DELGADO ARROYO, L., Abadia Hurtado , Y. ., Mosquera Benítez, L. A., & Mena Gonzales, K. Y. . (2024). Lamp prototype for lighting public spaces, powered by photovoltaic solar energy. Supported under the methodology (IoT). Ingenierías USBmed, 15(2), 11–18.
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The objective of this research, more than just investigating, is due to the need for an end to problems in public lighting in the municipality of Quibdó. It is mainly focused on advances that become a necessity, accepting that the implementation of the Internet of Things technology is essential for the development of the population in general, adding the use of renewable energies for its subsequent operation.

With the development of a functional prototype of public lighting using the technology of the internet of things, powered by a solar module, it is considered the best option to develop this research, keeping in mind that our objectives are: Design a functional prototype that monitors the state of public lighting through IOT technologies, create an event that alerts the failures that the functional prototype presents through the ubidots platform, demonstrate the operation of the developed prototype through the results obtained. follow up and monitor the status of the lamp using the ubidots software, analyze the results obtained from the energy consumption supplied by the solar module, with the main objective: Developing and carrying out a functional prototype implemented on the Internet of Things (IOT) powered by solar energy in street lighting lamps.



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