Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Usuga Rueda, R. M. (2023). Integrated Management Systems. Ingenierías USBmed, 14(2), 42–48.
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This research has been done to identify the current status of implementing an Integrated Management System (IMS) on SME companies in the city of Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia.Preliminary results show evidence of poor to none management that includes quality management, safety and health at work and environment quality. This research has used qualitative and quantitative techniques to gather data, thru field observations, interviews with active personnel and collecting documentary content. The results show that there is a lot to work with SMEs on the city of Medellin to make them aware of how important is implementing those systems.   It's   important   the SMEs are consciousabout implementing and applying IMS, not only as to legal requirement but to develop processes of continuous improvement that optimizes their performance, also helps them to keep the quality of their products or services, have a safe and comfortable environment for their employees and contributing to environmental sustainability



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