

How to Cite
valencia Grajales, J. F., & Insuasty Rodriguez, A. (2012). Legalization and social inclusion: 2oth of july neighborhood in the municipality of Urrao, southwest of Antioquia. Ágora USB, 12(2), 437–469. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.210
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The present text is the result of a second phase of the research called Psychosocial Characterization of the 20th of July Neighborhood in the Municipality of Urrao, in the Southwest of Antioquia, within the area of legalization, certification, and standardization of the aforementioned neighborhood. Its purpose is to make some suggestions for the Basic Land-Use Plan. In order to carry out such a work, the antecedents are taken into account in the first place; in the second place, the objectives and the questions are introduced; in the third place, the research results are introduced; and in the fourth place, the conclusions, along with the recommendations, are presented.



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ONU-HÁBITAT. (2005). Tenencia de la tierra, derechos a la vivienda y género - marco nacional y urbano: Colombia. New York: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHabitat).

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Pelaez Toro, E., & Insuasty Rodriguez, A. (2009). Caracterización Psicosocial de las Familias del Barrio 20 de Julio del Municipio de Urrao. EL AGORA USB, vol 9 N2 85-110.


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