

How to Cite
Valencia Londoño, D. E., & Bancroft, R. (2019). An Approach to a Methodological Proposal for Evaluating Sustainability in the Setting of Social Housing in Medellín. Ágora USB, 19(1), 170–196. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4126
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The vast majority of the alternatives and solutions proposed, suffer from a holistic approach, which allows to tackle the problem from an integrative perspective as a consequence, currently, in the city of Medellín there does not exist, an alternative, which allows to supply the deficit of a dignified, safe, economic and sustainable housing.  The duplication of efforts, the waste of resources, and the inefficiency in the processes have become a permanent constant of the projects, which the State ends up offering, the rejection by the community, and the users in the light of the proposed solutions. It generates a social impact of great proportions, which ends up sharpening the existing problem.



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