

How to Cite
Díaz Rico, M. E., Mejía Zuluaga, C. A., & Pérez Arizabaleta, M. del M. (2021). Parental Resources in Families with Deaf Children. Ágora USB, 21(1), 237–254. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4546
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This article describes the parental resources that families with deaf children build to promote and potentialize child’s development. It is a mixed cross-sectional study. Five hearing mothers of hearing-impaired children were interviewed, including data
from a sociodemographic survey of a group of 245 hearing-impaired children from Colombia. It is concluded that by assuming disability from diagnosis, the search for institutional support, by focusing on the capacities of their children, by reorganizing
family routines, and responsibilities, a positive look to the future and perseverance, spirituality are some of the parental resources employed by mothers.



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