

How to Cite
Vargas Cáceres, K. (2023). Sociolinguistic analysis of argumentative academic discourse: a methodological approach from corpus linguistics. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 10(2), 12–24. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6670
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This article shows how the process of collecting and sociolinguistic analysis of a corpus of written language was carried out in a university academic environment. Variables such as stratum, gender and age, nebulosity index, lexical density and argumentative strength are taken into account. To collect information, an argumentative text was requested to be written based on a generic question about the situation of teacher professionalization; Also, a sociocultural questionnaire was implemented. The data were analyzed under a mixed research approach. The characterization of the corpus and analysis was done using the WordSmith Tools, TermoStat Web 3.0 and SPSS programs. The results allowed us to consolidate the corpus of analysis of a doctoral work and explain social and textual links in the production of argumentative texts. Although social variables did not significantly influence the results, writing time did. This study emphasizes the need to take into account social variables in the production of texts at the university to generate alternatives that contribute to guiding these writing practices.


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